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Where you will learn about the world - on the intenet.


      Everything starts when you make the decision of making that thing real. That goal you had, and achieved, happened because you made the decision for it to happen. And Just as you start things, these things can end. Nothing last forever, and no bitterness can ever change that; so we just roll the dices and hope for the best, right? Should you? Or can you at least have a chance to make any effort valuable enough to be considered in your life as a good decision to change something?

      Yes, you can have the chance. Don't ever take a bad decision as an excuse to let life pass past you, without taking part in it. You made a bad decision? Good. Take it, and embrace it, as it will teach you; and something that teaches you makes you better. Better at life. Better at romance. Better at managing money. Better at anything you fail to achieve. As J. K. Rowling once said: "It is impossible to live without failing at something, unless you live so cautiously that you might has well not have lived at all, in which case you have failed by default."

       We seniors are entering uncharted waters of life we know nothing about, but at least we could know that we now nothing, and take that flaw as an impulse to be better than before. Better than yesterday. Damned by the future, as you know nothing, but blessed by the past, as it teached you something. So please, I beg you this: Never be afraid of trying again. Never be afraid of trying something new. Never be afraid of change. Failure will change you, but change you for the better. Decisions are the backbones of life. 


Life - How?

      Organic matter is: that which has come from a once-living organism, and is capable of decay or the product of decay, or is composed of organic compounds. Our life (organic) is carbon-based life. Carbon forms the key component for all known naturally occurring life on Earth. Complex molecules are made up of carbon bonded with other elements, especially oxygen, hydrogen and nitrogen, and carbon is able to bond with all of these because of its four valence electrons. Carbon is abundant on earth. It is also lightweight and relatively small in size, making it easier for enzymes to manipulate carbon molecules. It is often assumed in astrobiology that if life exists somewhere else in the universe, it will also be carbon-based. Critics refer to this assumption as carbon chauvinism.

      Now, I came to realize the amazing work of the universe and how life operates. It is considered organic: every organism that is alive. But, it is made up of inorganic matter? Atoms - made up of particles. Particles - made up of quarks. From the base perspective of reality, EVERYTHING is made of inorganic matter, yet it works in such and incredible way that it creates life, and in turn creates consciousness in humans. We are made up of what the universe ceated. We can experience the universe, still. We are the universe experiencing itself.(?) The question is, how? Or, what made it that way? Maybe... who?


      Should children have homework? That's a little debate I have found on the internet and has actually grab the attention of many people and some medias (e.g. CNN). I would say that homework is actually of NO necesity for the student to certainly learn. I'll even dare to say that homework just make them to not want - or not like - to learn. It stresses students and make them think all day, even after finishing school day, about what they need to finish and the time they need in HOME (a place for relaxation and enjoyment) to do it. This is useless when you want your students to be enthusiatic about learning and you want them to retain the information, instead of them wanting to empty the bottle to get through it fast and pass the test already. Isn't that the purpose of grades? To make students compete between them and see who will become more successful because they have better grades, and therefore better opportunities? I think not - and maybe is obvious - but that's the perception they are having, and they barely think of it as something good, but more like a challenge to pass the grade already.


       I thought that schools were created for learning. It would eradicate its purpose if you still need students to learn at home. 


       Now, it obviously has it pros and cons, like teaching responsibility and having them practice the material, but again, you should want a student to like to learn and be enthusiastic about it. That way they can learn WAY BETTER. You should know this. Have you not ever had curiosity about something you like and you learn it fast because you ACTUALLY like it? And when something is boring, you forget about it, because you just don't care? That's the same dynamic. If they don't like something they will retain it until the test. Then, they will probably roam free without any thoughts about it. You CAN teach, and have the student learn with lots of different ways that are dynamic and fun, without the necesity of homework. (e.g. Finland barely gives homework to their student, yet it has one of the best educational systems around the entire world; and the best scores of academic achievement worldwide. While US students are between the most stressed ones worldwide.)


This topic is abundant, but I will retaing myself, because I will end up having a page-long post in my site. 


      A while ago I made a presentation on how to better organize email accounts with the use of filters. Filters - on email technicality - are tools that you can use to put individual mails on folders. This way, you'll have a better arrangement of the things that are more, or less, important. Everything will depend on the matter of the email. How? Well, you can establish the requirements needed to put the desired emails on their respective folders. You can be as specific as you wish. From, putting ALL the emails that are from your english teacher onto the "English Class" folder, to only putting the emails that have the words: "assignment", "special project", etc. 

     The tools are SUPER useful! Filters are a great implement for teachers to manage all their students works in a more efficent, and less time-consumming way. I really enjoyed giving some informational knowledge to teachers. It felt kind of weird and awesome at the same time, since it proves that you are never too late to learn somehing new, and that you learn new things everyday. Students and teachers learn from each other all the time, and in very different ways. But they learn...


      Technology is slowly reshaping the future of education. It is what it is, and we cannot deny it. We have to straightly face the fact that some day our children will be learning all by their own. Teachers wouldn't probably even exist. Or maybe they'll be just guides. Now, something is for sure, and that is: there is going to be some changes in the classroom. 

      A school reform is probably for the best. We have an urgent need to change the educational system; at least here in Puerto Rico. Sadly, it hasn't been taken into consideration, because, sadly, the government focuses its attention on quantity over quality - money over education. I just hope that some day, in a very near future, the education system changes; probably not for me, but at least for my children. 


Want to read more about how technology is already taking action? Click here.


      Humans aim to innovate. We create things to make life easier too. Now, we know our brains have a little "glitch". We tend to forget a lot of things. And I mean a LOT. So, what could be better than the invention of digital cameras? We love remembering, and we specially love the best moments that we - because of our brains - tend to forget. With the invention of DSLR (digital single-lens reflex) cameras we can now capture the best moments of our lives and keep them forever, if we may. I bought one, and I'll never regret it. I love photography, and I know that photography is art. "Photography is a way of feeling, of touching, of loving. What you have caught on film is captured forever... it remembers little things, long after you have forgotten everything." by: Aaron Siskind 

      I know that I can express myself, my emotions and moods, through the photos I take. I can post them on Facebook and maybe people will feel the same emotion I felt at the instant. Isn't that what art was made for? To evoke feelings in anyone who see, or listen, the art? Digital photography is the best invention I can think of right now. Without it, humanity will forget the most important thing - "Photography helps people to see." by: Berenice Abbott


      Curiosity killed the cat, and could possibly kill us too. We humans have a curious nature by default. We are always asking ourselves "why" and "how" questions, just for the sake of knowing and understanding. But something came up today that actually grabbed my attention. "Why are we morbidly curious?" It is the title of a Vsauce's video. Michael here explains the morbid nature of our curiosity, and how it could actually be in our nature. We as humans have to learn survival. Or at least our ancestor had to. But right now, with technology, there isn't much that we need to survive other than the epidemic of social networks and the big-companies-pressure for unnecessary consumption (take the media promoting a new smartphone almost every 6 months, for example). But why do we "need" to see something with gore? Why can't we just look away? Instead, we are pressed by ourselves, our own curiosity, to keep watching someone suffering in an "epic fail", or even someone who had an accident and you can see its brain out. Why? Why do we have to be so morbidly curious? 

Free Will?

          Is God our referee, our planner? Are we free to do whatever we want with out destiny, or are we predestined to something else that God has in mind? Do we have free will? Do we? Sometimes I think that freedom is just an illusion. I have learned so much about how we could actually predict everything with just the right knowledge of the predeterminded state of particles in the universe, that I'm starting to doubt if we really have "free will". It's just some comment I'm making after I saw a video titled "What is random?" There is actually nothing random about what we sometimes call random events. Take for example the flip of a coin. We flip a coin when facing a disagreement with someone because we think that we have a 50/50 of probability that the coin will land on either of its faces. We THINK that is random. But scientists have proven, with a machine they made, that with God-like precision on the tossing of a coin - knowing the force applied to the coin, the atmospheric conditions, the angle, and everything in between - you could know the outcome of the flipping before even tossing it in the first place. Same happens with particles that make you. What if you could know the universe itself, entirely. Could you predict the future of everything. Then, where is my "free will"? 

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